Our IBEW 136 History
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers has a rich history that our members can take pride in, and that goes for our Local IBEW 136 chapter here in Birmingham. You are a part of something greater than yourself with a story that dates back over a century.

Henry Miller called the first convention of what was first deemed the National Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (NBEW) in 1891. Over 7 days and nights, the original brotherhood crafted the articles of a constitution that would govern the IBEW.

Two decades later the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers chartered IBEW 136 in Alabama. After going through a few different iterations, IBEW 136 was officially chartered in the state of Alabama in 1912.

NBEW Founding Fathers

Logo from the early days of IBEW 136

The first IBEW 136 union meetings were originally held at a place called the Stag Saloon in a building that still exists today at the corner of 2007 ½ 3rd Ave in downtown Birmingham.

2020 Location of the original site of the Stag Saloon

Meetings were in a few different places during the early years until the Local purchased it's first official union Hall located at 517 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd., at the current site of the Winiger law firm with the Yankees mural on the site.
In 1973 IBEW Local 136 moved it's offices to 2917 Central Ave. in the municipality of Homewood where the Hall stood until moving to the current location in Roebuck.

The current building at 845 Gadsden Highway was purchased in 1999. The house that stood on the property was used to house the administration until the building could be finished.
Past Officers
Business Managers
G.X. Barker
1st Qtr. 1930 - 1st Qtr. 1931
J.A. Crooks
1st Qtr. 1931 - 3rd Qtr. 1933
J.W. Driver
3rd Qtr. 1933 - 1941
Hugh W. Brown
1941 - 1943
B.F. Reeves
1943 - Aug. 1951
Hugh W. Brown Sr.
Aug. 1951 - Sept. 1958
Hugh W. Brown Jr.
Sept. 1958 - Sept. 1959
J.H. Kimberly
Sept. 1959 - Nov. 1963
Hugh W. Brown Jr.
Nov. 1963 - Oct. 1967
J.H. Kimberly
Oct. 1967 - Oct. 1969
Herschel L. Goodwin
Oct. 1969 - Oct. 1971
Hayes W. Cockrell
Oct. 1971 - Aug. 1974
J.F. Wilson
Aug. 1974 - Oct. 1976
Robert H. Fuqua
Oct. 1976 - Nov. 1977
James L. Mullinax Jr.
Nov. 1977 - Aug. 1986
William G. Roberson
Aug. 1986 - Oct. 1990
Gary C. Reaves
Oct. 1990 - Oct. 2002
Jackie Goodwin
Oct. 2002 - Oct. 2008
Jerry W. Keenum
Oct. 2008 - 2015
Charles D. Palmer
2015 - 2017
William M. Blackman Jr.
2017 - Present
C.M. Thompson
June 1900 -
Nov. 1900
John S. Lewis
Nov. 1900 -
July 1901
George W.
July 1901 -
Jan. 1902
Edward T.
Jan. 1902 -
July 1902
F.S. Williams
July 1902 -
April 1903
F.C. Powell
April 1903 -
July 1903
J.E.B. Vincent
July 1903 -
Jan. 1904
F.C. Powell
Jan. 1904 -
Aug. 1904
T.O. James
Aug. 1904 -
Feb. 1905
G.A. Leath
Feb. 1905 -
Sept. 1905
A.H. Hunt
Sept. 1905 -
Dec. 1905 (at least)
J.W.P. Hancock
Jan. 1912 -
May 1912
W.C. Slaughter
May 1912 -
Feb. 1914
C.B. Mann
Feb. 1914 -
Nov. 1914
J.L. Ellis
Nov. 1914 -
Feb. 1915
E.S. Nelson
Feb. 1915 -
May 1916 (at least)
F. Ayers
-------------- July 1939
F. Purdum
Aug. 1939 -
May 1940
F. Reeves
June 1940 -
Jan. 1941
B. Ward
Feb. 1941 -
July 1941
F. Crooks
Aug. 1941 -
Nov. 1942
A. Dean
Dec. 1942 -
Nov. 1943
W. Atkinson
Dec. 1943 -
July 1945
L. McClure
Aug. 1943 -
July 1949
W. Pate
Aug. 1949 -
Dec. 1949
Hugh Brown
Jan. 1950 -
July 1951
A.C. Reaves
Aug. 1951 -
July 1953
Ben Reeves
Aug. 1953 -
July 1957
Tim Malone
Aug. 1957 -
July 1959
J. Strong
Aug. 1959 -
July 1962
L. Mc Clure
Aug. 1962 -
July 1963
Robert H.
Aug. 1963 -
July 1965
M. Malone
Aug. 1965 -
July 1967
Marvin Gann
Aug. 1967 - July 1969
A.V. Griffin
Aug. 1969 -
July 1971
Jack Warren
Aug. 1971 -
Dec. 1972
Adam Dorough
Jan. 1973 -
July 1974
James L.
Mullinax Jr.
Aug. 1974 -
Nov. 1977
William G.
Dec. 1977 -
Nov. 1980
Clint Sills
Dec. 1980 -
July 1983
William H.
Aug. 1983 -
Feb. 1984
George Usher
March 1984 -
July 1986
John C.
Aug. 1986 -
July 1990
Ken Essig
Aug. 1990 -
July 1993
Charles D.
Aug. 1993 -
July 1996
John C.
Perryman Jr.
Aug. 1996 -
Oct. 1999
Randy L.
Oct. 1999 -
Oct. 2008
William M.
Blackman Jr.
Oct. 2008 -
Ray A. Hale
2015 - 2017
Ross Roberson
2017 - Present
Vice Presidents
J.N. Harper
Jan. 1912 - May 1912
J.G. Cardwell
May 1912 - Sept. 1912
L.L. Hunt
Sept. 1912 - Feb. 1914
W.P. Reynolds
Feb. 1914 - Feb. 1915
J.C. Giles
Feb. 1915 - May 1916 (at least)
Recording Secretaries
John S. Lewis
June 1900 - Nov. 1900
J.A. Poe
Nov. 1900 - July 1901
D.B. Freeman
July 1901 - Jan. 1902
W.A. Steele
Jan. 1902 - July 1902
J.E.B. Vincent
July 1902 - April 1903
April 1903 - July 1903
T.O. James
July 1903 - Jan. 1904
Jan. 1904 - April 1904
R.S. Hoke
April 1904 - Feb. 1905
W.P. Reynolds
Feb. 1905 - Aug. 1906
W.B. Larving
Aug. 1906 - June 1907
W.R. Wilcox
June 1907 - Sept. 1907
W.B. Larving
Sept. 1907 - Dec. 1907 (at least)
J.G. Cardwell
Jan. 1912 - May 1912
F.C. Powell
May 1912 - Nov. 1916
A.J. Roberts
Nov. 1916 - Sept. 1917
Ben H. Mitchell
Sept. 1917 - July 1918
Joe F. Griffith
Sept. 1953 - Sept. 1955
W.P. Reynolds
July 1918 - Sept. 1918
John Braun
Sept. 1918 - Jan. 1920
Mack L.H. Larsen
Jan. 1920 - May 1920
A.H. Vickers
May 1920 - Feb. 1922
W.R. Lee
Feb. 1922 - Sept. 1922
A.H. Vickers
Sept. 1922 - April 1925
J.W. Isherwood
April 1925 - 2nd Qtr.
W.R. Lee Jr.
2nd Qtr. 1927 - 1st Qtr. 1930
A.I. Askew
1st Qtr. 1930 - 1st Qtr. 1931
R.E. Clement
1st Qtr. 1931 - 2rd Qtr.
Frank Mulroony
2rd Qtr. 1933 - 1st Qtr.
C.W. Harves
1st Qtr. 1936 - Nov. 1945
L.A. Dean
Nov. 1945 - July 1946
C.W. Harves
July 1946 - Aug. 1949
G.L. Baston Sr.
Aug. 1949 - Aug. 1951
E.B. Daniel
Aug. 1951 - Sept. 1953
Roy A. Bryant
Sept. 1955 - Sept. 1957
Ralph Vaught
Sept. 1957 - Sept. 1959
R.C. Price
Sept. 1959 - Oct. 1967
H.A. Godfey
Oct. 1967 - Oct. 1969
William D. Sanders
Oct. 1969 - Aug. 1974
Marvin Gann
Aug. 1974 - Nov. 1977
Clinton S. Sills
Nov. 1977 - Sept. 1981
Jimmy Sills
Sept. 1981 - Aug. 1986
Charles D. Palmer
Aug. 1986 - Oct. 1990
Jack C. Warren
Oct. 1990 - Sept. 1992
Robert Geisen
Sept. 1992 - Sept. 1993
William P. Davis
Sept. 1993 - Aug. 1996
William H. Harper
Aug. 1996 - Oct. 1999
Gerard Bergeron
Oct. 1999 - Oct. 2005
James L. Reece
Oct. 2005 - Oct. 2008
Jeffrey C. Lipscomb
Oct. 2008 - Sept. 2011
Chris W. Cody
Sept. 2011 - 2015
Corydon W. Parsons
2015 - 2017
Sean Fahey
2017 - 2018
Dustin T. Phillips
2018 - Present
Financial Secretaries
F.J. McCallum
June 1900 - Nov. 1900
E.A. Woodworth
Nov. 1900 - Jan. 1902
J.F. Phillips
Jan. 1902 - Feb. 1902
George W. Brown
Feb. 1902 - Dec. 1902
J.N. Harper
Dec. 1902 - July 1903
F.S. Williams
July 1903 - May 1904
J.E.B. Vincent
May 1904 - Sept. 1905
A.O. Fruitticher
Sept. 1905 - June 1907
W.P. Reynolds
June 1907 - Sept. 1907
J.E.B. Vincent
Sept. 1907 - Dec. 1907 (at least)
F.B. Carpenter
Aug. 1910 - June 1911
J.G. Cardwell
Jan. 1912 - May 1912
A.J. Taunton
May 1912 - July 1913
W.C. Slaughter
July 1913 - Nov. 1914
A.J. Taunton
Nov. 1914 - Jan. 1915
C.B. Mann
Jan. 1915 - Feb. 1915
G.W. Schreck
Feb. 1915 - Sept. 1917
J.L. Ellis
Sept. 1917 - July 1918
J.S. O'Keif
July 1918 - Sept. 1918
W.P. Reynolds
Sept. 1918 - Feb. 1920
S.L. Whitehead
Feb. 1920 - April 1921
C.M. Baker
April 1921 - 2nd Qtr.
J.W. Isherwood
2nd Qtr. 1927 - 2nd Qtr. 1928
J.W. Driver
2nd Qtr. 1928 - 1st Qtr. 1930
W.R. Lee
1st Qtr. 1930 - 4th Qtr. 1932
J.A. Crooks
4th Qtr. 1932 - 3rd Qtr. 1933
J.W. Driver
3rd Qtr. 1933 - 1st Half 1938
W.H. Rodgers
1st Half 1938 - 3rd Qtr. 1939
G.W. Schreck
3rd Qtr. 1939 - 1943
J.W. Andrews
1943 - Sept. 1956
J.F. Wilson
Sept. 1956 - Sept. 1958
William B. Atkins
Sept. 1958 - Sept. 1959
J.F. Wilson
Sept. 1959 - Aug. 1974
William D. Sanders
Aug. 1974 - Oct. 2002
Jackie Goodwin
Oct. 2002 - Oct. 2008
Jerry W. Keenum
Oct. 2008 - 2015
Charles D. Palmer
2015 - 2017
William M. Blackman Jr.
2017 - Present
R.N. Fruitticher
Jan. 1912 - May 1912
A.H. Hunt
May 1912 - Nov. 1914
J.G. Pulliam
Nov. 1914 - Feb. 1915
G.W. Schreck
Feb. 1915 - May 1916 (at least)
Membership & Convention Delegates
16th Conv. Sept/Oct. 1921 - St. Louis, MO
Members (M) - 53
Delegates (D) - C.M. Baker
17th Conv. Aug. 1923 - Montreal, Quebec
M - 61
D - C.M. Baker
18th Conv. Aug. 1925 - Seattle, WA
M - 79
D - B.F. Reeves
19th Conv. Aug. 1927 - Detroit, MI
M - 101
D - W.H. Crump
20th Conv. Sept. 1929 - Miami, FL
M - 103
D - J.A. Crook
21st Conv. Oct. 1941 - St. Louis, MO
M - 151
D - Hugh W. Brown
22nd Conv. Sept. 1946 - San Francisco, CA
M - 780
D - Hugh W. Brown, R.N. Fuqua, J.A. Hardin, B.F. Reeves, L.A. Dean,
23rd Conv. Sept. 1948 - Atlantic City, NJ
M - 676
D - R.N. Fuqua, J.A. Hardin, B.F. Reeves, A.C. Riggins, Wayne Thompson, W.B. Thompson
24th Conv. Oct. 1950 - Miami, FL
M - 753
D - Hugh W. Brown Sr., Robert H. Fuqua Sr., P.G. Holley, J.H. Kimberly, Ray H. Myers, L.W. Pate, B.F. Reeves, C.T. Thrasher
25th Conv. Aug/Sept. 1954 - Chicago, IL
M - 810
D - W.B. Atkins, Hugh W. Brown Sr., Robert H. Fuqua Sr., P.G. Holley, Jerome Hugh Kimberly, Ray H. Myers, F.L. Phillips, B.F. Reeves
26th Conv. Sept/Oct. 1958 - Cleveland, OH
M - 816
D - W.B. Atkins, Hugh W. Brown Sr., Jerome Hugh Kimberly
27th Conv. Sept. 1962 - Montreal, Quebec
M - 801
D - Robert H. Fuqua Sr., Jerome Hugh Kimberly Sr., W.D. Messer, O.J. Strong
28th Conv. Sept. 1966 - St. Louis, MO
M - 965
D - Hugh W. Brown Sr., Robert H. Fuqua Sr., Jerome Hugh Kimberly Sr., John Frank Wilson
29th Conv. Sept/Oct. 1970 - Seattle, WA
M - 973
D - Robert H. Fuqua Sr., A.V. Griffies, Jerome Hugh Kimberly Sr., John Frank Wilson
30th Conv. Sept. 1974 - Kansas City, MO
M - 1130
D - M. Benton, H.W. Cockrell, A.W. Dorough Jr., Robert H. Fuqua Jr., John Frank Wilson
31st Conv. Oct. 1978 - Atlantic City, NJ
M - 1156
D - K.A. Horn, J. Mullinax Jr., W.G. Robertson, W.D. Sanders, L.O. Taylor
32nd Conv. Sept. 1982 - Los Angeles, CA
M - 1159
D - J.E. Albright, K.A. Horn, J. Mullinax Jr., W.G. Robertson, W.D. Sanders
33rd Conv. Sept. 1986 - Toronto, ON, Canada
M - 921
D - W.G. Robertson
34th Conv. Oct. 1991 - St. Louis, MO
M - 937
D - K.E. Essig, G.C. Reaves, W.G. Robertson, W.D. Sanders
35th Conv. Sept. 1996 - Philadelphia, PA
M - 798
D - G.C. Reaves, W.G. Robertson, W.D. Sanders
36th Conv. Sept. 2001 - San Francisco, CA
M - 877
D - H.T. Blankenship, J.E. Goodwin, J.W. Keenum, G.C. Reaves
37th Conv. Sept. 2006 - Cleveland, OH
M - 878
D - J.E. Goodwin, R.H. Hammer, J.W. Keenum
38th Conv. Sept. 2011 - Vancouver, BC
M - 929
D - W.M. Blackman, J.W. Keenum, J.L. Reece
39th Conv. Sept. 2016 - St. Louis, MO
M - 821
D - W.M. Blackman, R. Hale, C. Palmer
Meeting Places
Brotherhood of Locomotor Engineer's Hall
219 ½ N. 19th St.
Saturday: June 1900 - Nov. 1900
Dunker's Hall
210 N. 20th St.
Tues: Nov. 1900 - July 1903
Paperhanger's Hall
2928 ½ 1st Ave.
Friday: July 1903 - Jan. 1904
Labor Temple
21st St.
1st & 3rd Mon: Jan. 1904 - Aug. 1904
Fri: Aug. 1904 - Sept. 1905
Dunker's Hall
Sat: Sept. 1905 - Aug. 1906
Varley & Bauman's Hall
1924 1st Ave.
Monday: Aug. 1906 - June 1907
1912 ½ 2nd Ave.
Wednesday: June 1907 - Sept. 1907
Bricklayer's Hall
Monday: Sept. 1907 - Dec. 1907 (at least)
Hood Building
Rm. 325
20th & 32nd Ave.
Tuesday: Jan. 1912 - May 1912
Stag Saloon
2007 ½ 3rd Ave.
Friday: May 1912 - Feb. 1914
Building Trades Hall
403 ½ N. 20th St.
Friday: Feb. 1914 - Nov. 1914
2009 ½ 3rd Ave.
Friday: Nov. 1914 - Sept. 1918
1813 2nd Ave.
Friday: Sept. 1918 - Feb. 1919
Ben Hur Temple
Tuesday: Feb. 1919 - Feb. 1922
United Temple
Tuesday: Feb. 1922 - April 1925
1809 ½ N. 4th Ave.
Friday: April 1925 - 1st Qtr. 1931
1st + 3rd Fri: 1st Qtr. 1931 - 1941
716 N. 21st St.
1st + 3rd Fri: 1941 - 1943
517 N. 21st St.
1st + 3rd Fri: 1943 - Nov. 1944
2nd Saturday: Nov. 1944 - Oct. 1976
2917 Central Ave., Homewood
2nd Sat: Oct. 1976 - Oct. 1990
1st Tues: Oct. 1990 - Sept. 1992
2nd Sat: Sept. 1992 - Oct. 1997
841 Gadsden Hwy.
2nd Sat: Oct. 1997 - Oct. 1999
845 Gadsden Hwy.
3rd Thur.: Oct. 1999 - Present